
When oil and gas wells by the mining, high pressure low permeability deposit is closed after fracturing treatment, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, consisting of oil and gas from the channel cracks gathered out. petroleum proppant Ceramic proppant materials along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation of cracks in the rock, and played well after excavation support, high closure pressure low permeability deposit by fracturing treatment, so that hydrocarbon formation split, consisting of oil and gas from the cracks channel aggregation out. Ceramic proppant materials along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation of cracks in the rock, the crack does not play a supporting and closed due to the effect of stress release, and then stick to high conductivity, so that oil and gas dredge, add value.
Ceramic proppant widely used in the oil and gas mining, oil and gas output forward, ceramic because of its quality is not the same, the effect is not the same. Shale, flowers and other ultra-lightweight ceramic is mainly used for decoration, concrete and other professional; dense, low breakage rate is mainly used for oil ceramic occupation, as proppants used. Chinese ceramic proppant skills these years has made great progress.
Followed by Chinese domestic shale gas exploration and development muster, China's ceramic proppant will usher in greater development of space mall. The past two years, the price increase is large ceramic proppant added production costs in emerging economies will also push up the price of proppant. Since the production of bauxite are the main raw materials of ceramic, although China has the advantage of local cheap bauxite, but to follow the strategy of promoting the Chinese rare earth mine, the future prices will continue to adhere to rise, and therefore, there is a certain ceramic proppant price upside.
At the same time, Chinese companies made ceramic proppant for its outstanding support to gradually replace practices proppant sand, into the United States mall. The data show that China produced ceramic proppant ceramic proppant has occupied 13% of the proportion of North American shopping malls all, the average annual amount of the transaction amounted to $ 3 billion. At that time, the US shale oil and gas well drilling is entering the heating up, the demand for ceramic proppant great on prices also have a certain ability to withstand.Shale gas revolution  As long as oil and gas maintain a certain price, the Chinese production of ceramic proppant in the United States and other countries would be marketable.
At that time, research and carry out situation in China oil fracturing ceramic proppant outstanding, showing good conduct trend. In the future, be able to continue to support vocational high strength oil fracturing support agent special ceramic materials and products production skills to carry out, points to carry oil fracturing support agent products.


Fracturing technology for worldwide oil production plays a very resin coated sand proppant important role, while oil fracturing proppant fracturing of oil is the key to the success of the availability of technology.
High quality proppant can play an important role for the exploitation of crude oil. Oil fracturing proppant, is to maintain a deep fissure formation rock split state support. During use, the proppant fracturing fluid mixing, using coercion injected deep cracks in the rock strata support, to improve the conductivity of oil, increase crude oil production.
At present, the domestic use of fracturing ceramic, quartz sand, but their intensity is low, only for the exploitation of shallow wells. If these proppants for use in the deep, will bear enormous pressure and rock formation environment in a variety of corrosion will be a lot of broken, but prevented the outflow of oil, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the well.
Multi-sintered corundum products internationally, ceramic proppant supplier but to meet the requirements of this article, although the physical and chemical properties, but the sources of raw materials difficult, complicated process, and the high energy consumption, high cost.
We use bauxite, together with special materials, through the laboratory, to obtain new proppant substantially achieve the desired purpose.


After oil and gas exploration wells over time, hydraulic fracturing high closure pressure after fracturing low permeability deposit processing, the hydrocarbon-bearing formation split, passage of oil and gas from the cracks formed in the collection out. After ceramic proppant material along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation of cracks in the rock, and played well supported by mining, the high closure pressure after fracturing low permeability deposit processing, the hydrocarbon-bearing rock cracked hydrocarbon formation from cracks channel pooled out. Ceramic proppant material along with high-pressure solution is filled into the formation of cracks in the rock, the play does not support crack due to stress release and closing action, thereby maintaining high conductivity, so that oil and gas flow, increase production.
Ceramic sand proppants are widely used in oil and gas operations, the increase in oil and gas production, because of the quality of different ceramic, its role is not the same. Shale, flowers and other ultra-light ceramic mainly used for decoration, concrete and other industries; dense, low breakage rate ceramic sand is mainly used in the oil industry, as a proppant used. Ceramic proppant technology in recent years, our country has made great progress.
With the rise of Chinese domestic shale gas exploration and development, China's ceramic sand proppant market will usher in greater development space. The past two years, price rises ceramic sand proppant large increase in production costs in emerging economies will push up the price of proppant. Because bauxite is an important raw material for the production of ceramic, although China has the advantage of cheap local bauxite, but with the advancement of China's rare earth ore strategy, future prices will keep rising, so there is a certain ceramic proppant sand The price upside.
Meanwhile, the Chinese company manufacturing ceramic sand proppant its good support capabilities, gradually replace the conventional proppant sand, into the US market. Data show that China-made ceramic sand proppant has occupied 13% of the total ceramic proppant market share in North America, the average annual business volume of $ 3 billion. Currently, the US shale oil and gas well drilling is entering the heating up, the demand for ceramic proppant sand is great, price increases also have some tolerance. As long as oil and gas to maintain a certain price, China's production of ceramic proppant in the United States and other countries would be marketable. Currently, the research and development of oil fracturing ceramic proppant sand well, showing good momentum of development. Future, the industry can continue to support high oil fracturing support agent strength special ceramic materials and products technical development, focusing on the development of oil fracturing support agent products.
Analysts said glutenin investment projects, investment and use of ceramic sand has greatly increased the amount of oil and gas production, which is equivalent to an increase of oil profits, benefits arising from the use of ceramic sand is much greater than the expenditure, which also means more and more oil exploration project will ceramic sand as necessary investment projects. And more than oil ceramic proppant sand of a product, but ceramic sand but with the potential of latecomers, firmly position always has the best resin coated frac sand oil proppant, which is sufficient to prove the superiority of the product, became an oil Mining engineering projects have to invest, also by the chance to become inevitable.


Ceramic support agents are widely used in oil and ceramic proppant gas mining, oil and gas production in progress, ceramic because of its quality is not the same, the effect is not the same. Shale, flowers and other ultra-lightweight ceramic is mainly used for decoration, concrete and other professional; dense, low breakage rate is mainly used for ceramic oil career, as a support agent available. Chinese ceramic support agent skills these years has made great progress.
Followed by Chinese domestic shale gas exploration and development muster, China's ceramic support agents will usher in greater development of space mall. The past two years, the rate of increase ceramic support agents offer greater added production costs in emerging economies will also offer support agent push. Bauxite is the production of ceramic because the main raw material, even though China has the advantage of local cheap bauxite, but followed the strategy to promote the Chinese rare earth mine, the future will continue to adhere to offer up, so there is a certain ceramic support agents offer upside.
Meanwhile, the Chinese company produced ceramic support agent for its outstanding ability to support, to gradually replace practices support agent sand, into the United States mall. Data show that China produced ceramic high density ceramic support agents have occupied all the ceramic support agents mall in North America by 13% the proportion of the average annual business volume of over $ 3 billion. At that time, the US shale oil and gas well drilling is entering the heating up, the demand for ceramic support agents is great, there are bound to offer up the capacity. Simply must adhere to the price of oil and gas, China produced ceramic support agents in the United States and other countries would be marketable.


Based on our company's major science and technology ceramic proppant projects "oil recovery and downhole operation of new technology, new equipment research and field test" task "efficient pulse fracturing technology integration and test," Igawa Downhole drilling company continued research, with self-developed pulse fracturing Indoor engineering simulation evaluation test system as a platform for the continuous support not fracture conductivity, fracture proppant pulsincap flow stability, fiber hanging sand and separate effects a study.
The test results show that the non-continuous manner sanding artificial fractures can result in more support continuous support crack about two orders of magnitude higher fracture conductivity. At the same time, the adoption of effective partition proppant sand under pulsed conditions of stability and slug plug between the fibers suspended sand can carry out. Combining theoretical models and field tests, the researchers also explored the pulse time, proppant sand column stability control, optimization of the ratio ceramic proppant manufacturers of the concentration of fibers and sand fracturing and other key technologies, initially formed a pulsed sand fracturing technology, liquid and material systems, integrated package of special equipment, basically a pulsed sand fracturing technology of autonomy.


Water consumption is high and more serious problem is ceramic proppant manufacturers water pollution. First, the fracturing fluid contains additives include drag reducing agents, surfactants, scale inhibitors, clay stabilizers, bactericides, pH adjusting agents, anti-fluid loss additive, demulsifier, benzene, chromium, and sometimes also contain a small amount of radioactive substances such as radium. Therefore, shale gas mining process, we must properly handle the fracturing fluid. In general, the technical and theoretical level, the situation is fracturing fluid contaminated groundwater does not occur, but can not rule out human factors and equipment, resulting in fracturing fluid underground or aboveground storage leak and contaminate groundwater or surface ecology. Second, because shale gas production and storage sites, almost all aquifers located below, and therefore the drilling process, must go through aquifers, if drilling improper easily lead to contamination of groundwater chemical additives used during drilling. ceramic proppant In addition, for example, in the North China Plain, shale gas, since the area of ​​the over-exploitation of groundwater is one of serious, and therefore in some coastal areas because of lower groundwater levels, causing sea reflux, eventually causing ground water pollution is serious.


About selecting fracturing fluid, there are three ceramic proppants liquid systems, including direct injection of liquid nitrogen, nitrogen foam injection and drag water. After considering the costs, environmental and production and other factors, the current standard practice of fracturing fluid is chosen drag water, namely at high displacement pump large volumes of water and a small amount of support and additives, in order to go deeper into the cracks and improve shale gas production. Drag due to the water content of 99.5% for the water, so the technology has been become water fracturing.
In the drilling and fracturing stage, ceramic proppant according to the World Resources Institute showed a mouthful of shale gas wells need to use 7,000 tons to 25,000 tons. In wastewater recycling phase, only about 70% of the waste water back into the ground can be processed and stored, 30% of water is absorbed underground rock. In other words, a net consumption of shale gas to 2100-7500 tons.


Hydraulic fracturing technology is an effective technology ceramic proppant fields to increase production. The process is to use high-pressure pump on the ground, the high viscosity of the fracturing fluid to significantly exceed the absorptive capacity of the formation of the displacement is injected into the well at the bottom Biechu hypertension; when this pressure is greater than the near wellbore formation stress and when the tensile strength of the rock formations in the vicinity of the bottom layer can crack; continue to inject liquid with sand proppant, fracture extends forwardly and proppant filled fracture closure shut after filling proppant on the last crack with a geometry and conductivity in the vicinity of the bottom layer, to facilitate faster inflow of crude oil around the bottom of the well, to achieve the purpose of increasing production. As hydraulic fracturing proppant filling an important medium, which directly affects the capacity of the entire yield wells.ceramic proppants Therefore, the study of high performance oil proppant for oil yield is very necessary. Oil fracturing proppant * Major points of natural quartz sand, artificial ceramic proppant, resin-coated proppant (ie coated proppant) three categories, including coated proppant is divided into two coated sand and ceramic coating species.